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Moreover, high cost of C section may result catastrophic health expenditure for households and exert additional force upon overburdened health methods especially in low and middle income international locations . Remarkably, non clinical signals constitute one third of total 18. 5 million C sections conducted yearly, contributing heavily to matlab programming global total far more than C phase . The alarming high C section rate warrants tracking indications of all C sections in public and private facilities . Bangladesh could make amazing development in safe motherhood where MMR has reduced from 322 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2001 to 194 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2010. Access to basic and finished emergency obstetric care EmOC has higher; although contributed mainly by matlab programming for profit deepest sector facilities. On matlab programming second day of matlab programming walkout, individuals of UNITE HERE on strike at Marriott hotels in matlab programming Bay Area joined UC strikers from other campuses in converging on UC San Francisco for matlab rally of more than 1,000 people. That day, all of matlab programming carrier units from campuses without clinical facilities Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Merced and Riverside joined big picket lines on campuses with big medical facilities San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Davis and Irvine. AFSCME contributors at UC have been without matlab contract for 20 months, while UPTEs agreement expired one month ago. AFSCME arranged matlab three day strike in May contributors of UPTE and matlab programming California Nurses Association at UC scientific amenities joined AFSCME employees for matlab programming final two days of matlab programming walkout. The main sticking points in negotiations with control were insufficient pay raises, matlab programming universitys plan to show employees pensions into 401ks, outsourcing of jobs to contractors who pay less money and raises in health care charges. Another major point of contention is pay transformations on account of race and gender something that isnt always taken on by matlab programming union stream.